Tuesday, August 26, 2008

School time again....BLAH

Most parents get almost get giddy when you mention the start of a new school year. I am not one of those parents I know what the kids feel like. We are exactly 1 week from the start of school and I am sad and grumpy, it feels like we just got out. *whining* The one part I do like about the start of another year is SCHOOL SUPPLIES I just love em'. I must have a tote full of every kind of eraser, pencil and marker. Every year I go on an absolute tear and buy enough to outfit a small army and yet still I continue to buy them with happy abandon. What is it about the 20 cent boxes of Crayola crayons that makes me lose control? Does anyone else suffer this affliction or am I as big a freak as my hubby says! At one time the entire top of our closet was full of spiral notebooks and hubby felt it was time for an intervention and suggested *kindly* that he thought it might be a fire hazard to have that much paper just sitting around and I *might* consider donating it to the school...but we might NEED it I cried, in a firm but gentle voice he reminded me that the hall closet also had spiral notebooks in it... I happen to think that there may be an under lying genetic link because my father suffers with the affliction as well. All I can say is at least I still have school aged kids to hide my shame....for now.


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