Thursday, August 28, 2008

I'm no liar.. I'm a prevaricator...

It's really hard to be taken serious when your kid has a better vocabulary than you...This exchange really happened when I was trying to pin my son down about why he hadn't done his chores.

Me: Did you do your chores?

Monkey: What?

Me: I said did you do your chores?

Monkey: Huh?

Me: Turn off the game and answer me!

Monkey: Hold on I gotta finish this level.

Me: Turn it off....*Through gritted teeth*

Monkey: K geesh

Me: Can you hear me now?

Monkey: Mmmhmmm

Me: Did you do your chores?

Monkey: Yes

Me: All of them? Are you sure?

Monkey: Yeah

Me: Really...Cuz I noticed that the bathroom still has laundry in the floor and the Kitchen has NOT been swept...

Monkey: Oh K I'll do it.

Me: Why did you Lie to me it's not like I won't notice?

Monkey: I don't like the word lie.... I prefer prevaricate...

Me: Go do your chores....*sneaking off to check the online dictionary*

Prevaricate: prevaricate ( ) intr.v. , -cated , -cating , -cates . To stray from or evade the truth; equivocate. See synonyms at lie.

It's true you really do learn something new every day....


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