Friday, September 26, 2008

Been awhile

Well I haven't been here for awhile... We have had a little Drama at football and I can't deal very well with crap from other people so here goes...Monkey was on his way home from school about 2 weeks ago walking with some friends...Yes i do work at his school and he could ride with me but NO ONE rides with their Mom soo..Monkey was walking the 4 blocks to our house with 3 or 4 friends and the knot heads find a beer bottle on the side of the road and what do you do when you find a bottle well you throw it in the road in front of your coaches parents house right... here is where the drama starts.. Did the coach call me...NO he decided to punish Monkey himself at football practice making him run extra laps...Uh No.. So I allowed the punishment to stand but let the coach know that it was not O.K. and in the future I would be handling all the parenting thankyouverymuch...settled right...Uh No last week Monkey was accused of cheating in class by his teacher...Whoa right...K here is the deal she passed out a crossword puzzle told the kids that they could work together and allowed them the use of their laptop computers to research the answers. How in the H can you cheat under those circumstances you ask? Wait it gets better on the crossword puzzle paper there was a web site address in 1 inch block letters across the top of the page , The teacher never instructed the class not to go to that site so Monkey went directly to the site that she printed the paper from and found all the answers wha la..She snatches his paper calls him a cheater and he freaks and says in front of the class "Won't I get suspended for cheating"? Then he is off to the office by the time he is finished in the office school has been released so a little girl in his class goes home and tells her Dad the field comissioner for our Football league that Monkey was suspended...We send Monkey off to practice and we head to Mouses Game to watch her Cheer having no idea what is happening at Monkeys practice. He gets to practice and Field Comm Dad comes down to make sure he wasn't suspended Monkey says he was not and FC Dad tells coach to ask us when we get there just to confirm and allows him to stay at practice...Coach proceeds to decide to be the judge and has Monkey(85lbs) run the ball and have the 3 biggest kids on the team(120+lbs) tackle him repeatedly each time saying that is what you get for being a cheater....WHAT THE H*LL this guy has been Monkeys Coach for 2 years and knows that I work at his school did he think that the kid could take a pee and I won't know about it regardless of that we signed him up for football not physical abuse...Needless to say things have gotten really bad and seem to only be getting worse. I placed a formal complaint against him with the league and he now is not playing my son...Grrr... The situation is so unfair and I am really torn I would like to take my Son and not allow them to hurt him physically or emotionally again but Monkey gets upset by the mere mention that he would have to quit the team..This is why there is a waiting period to buy handguns...I'm Just sayin'... BTW check out the sign language in the Pic on this post! Hee...

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