Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Monkey #13 our 10yr old son plays full contact football and his Momma LOVES it! I go with them (Hubby aka Coach and Monkey) to practice every day and have a great time just watching my "men" bond and be all manly. This is Monkeys 3rd year and it is still so much fun...except this year there's a boy on the team who's father is Hmmm how to put this nicely... a registered perv. I have no idea of the circumstances that led to this man being registered and I try not to allow this to enter into any of the dealings that I have with him, But he is going out of his way to argue with me and I am not sure why or how to deal with him. He has made me so angry on a couple of occasions that I have gotten up and moved my chair away from him. Hubby and I are always at least 30min. early for each practice cuz people have a habit of dropping their kids off WAAAAY early and we don't like them to be left unattended. This means I am always the first one to set up my chair and this man deliberately brings his ignorance up in MY space. The latest incident went like this.

Perv: Bought this cool game for my Son...

Me: mmmhmm

Perv: Grand Theft Auto IV (craning his neck to look at me for reaction)

Me: K...

Perv: Stupid Ass ex-wife doesn't want him to have it tho...

Me: Raised eyebrows "Wow"

Perv: What! You prolly wouldn't let your kid have it Huh....

Me: Nope...

Perv: Their gonna see all that shit on the playground...I mean their gonna learn it...

Me: Really...On the school? Ya suppose they will be having sex with a prostitute, shoot her in the face and steal her money....on the school...K

Perv: F**k you, your just like my ex.....

Me: I assume you mean intelligent, well spoken and a GOOD parent....Thank you...

Perv: Ya know you can't protect your kid's forever...

Me: No, I agree you can't and it is possible that my Son could be exposed to a game like that at some point but I sure as hell do not have to put my stamp of approval on it in my home... I cannot control the fact that some parents feel like it makes them cool to give in to a childish demand for something that is so obviously not appropriate...your right I can't protect them forever but I will sure as hell try. (all said while moving my chair)

What I really don't understand is did he think that he would change how I feel about exposing my child to something that I find disgusting... just because he said it was cool? I mean him of all people the one who obviously makes BAD life choices. I should just run right out and buy that game now cuz Mr. life skills said it's OK. The absolute nerve...that a registered sex offender would think that because he tells me that I can't protect my kid's forever I should just let them go, it's people like him are the reason that parents DO have to be so vigilant....GRRR


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