Sunday, August 31, 2008

Little Sicko's

While I was getting Monkey ready for Football practice rushing around trying to remember all the stuff that he was destined to forget and send me home for, I managed to do some sort of Jerry Lewis move and fling myself down the front porch stairs...Apparently while I was falling I screamed out Monkeys name and it must have sounded pretty dramatic because it sent all the kiddies scrambling to see what happened. Picture me laying in the driveway unable to move my ankle, in a fair amount of pain when the laughter started...Not me mind you....My children...and a couple of neighbor kids...laughing at their poor crippled Mother while I laid unable to move at the foot of the stairs "get me the phone" I managed to croak through the pain, laughing Mouse goes into the house and brings back the phone and I call Hubby on his cell phone.

Hubby: Hello

Me: *sniff* Can you come home I fell down the stairs and really hurt my ankle..

Hubby: O honey are you O K ?

Me: *crying now* No I can't get up and the kids are laughing...

Hubby: I'll be right there...*giggle*

What kind of perverted sense of humor do these kids have to find their own mother falling down the stairs amusing?? Let me tell ya what kind...Mine that's what! I don't know what it is about someone falling or getting hit in the crotch that makes me dissolve in a fit of uncontrollable laughter. It's just damn funny... till your the one laying at the bottom of the stairs then...Not so much. As far as the ankle goes it is pretty swollen and sore but I'm confident that I'll survive. The great news is I get to go back to work with a bad hoof...nice job on that one right!


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